Thursday, August 1, 2024

Many Signs Pointing to 2025 and 2032 as Years of Prophetic Significance


1.   Millennial Day Theory

a.   The Millennial Day Theory suggests that, since 1 day is like 1,000 years and 1,000 years is like 1 day to God, perhaps God ordained a 7,000-year period for the earth to match the 7-day week that He designed at creation (i.e., the 6 days of creation activity followed by 1 sabbath day of rest).

i.    Psalm 90:4

ii.   2 Peter 3:8

b.   If the Millennial Day Theory were true, then the final 1,000 years of the earth would equate to the Millennial Reign of Christ, which would effectively be the sabbath time of rest and peace for the earth. This of course raises the question: “How close are we to the completion of 6,000 years of the history of the earth?”  Because when we know approximately when the Second Coming of Christ will be, we can also estimate the approximate time of the Rapture—because we estimate the Rapture event to occur 7 years prior to the Second Coming of Christ.

i.    The current year on the Hebrew calendar (based on the Seder Olam Rabbah) is 5784—suggesting that we still have approximately 216 years to go before the completion of 6,000 years.  However, I believe the Seder Olam calendar has a couple of patent errors.  To sidestep some of the errors, we can simply consider that the Seder Olam indicates that the Babylonians destroyed the first temple in year 3338 on the Jewish calendar.  Now, we know that, on the Gregorian calendar, the first temple was destroyed in June/July of either 586 BC or 587 BC.

A.  Math time:

*    586 + 2024 = 2610 years

*    2610 minus 1 year for the BC-AD conversion = 2609

*    2609 + 3,338 = 5947

B. Now let’s fix an error in the Seder Olam Rabbah regarding the age of Abraham.

*    The Seder Olam calculates 70 years between the birth of Abraham and the birth of his father Terah—likely based on Genesis 11:26—assuming that Abraham was Terah’s first son.

*    However, look at these 3 scriptures:

1.   Genesis 11:32 – Terah died at age 205.

2.   Genesis 12:4 – Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.

3.   Acts 7:4 (which the Seder Olam would never consider) – Abraham waited until the death of his father before he left Haran.

If Abram left Haran when he was 75, and his father Terah died at 205, then Terah had to be 130 years old when he had Abraham—not 70 years old.  This means the Seder Olam should add another 60 years to its calendar.  If we do that, today’s year would be 6007.

ii.   James Ussher, the archbishop of the Church of Ireland, calculated the creation of the earth to be October 23, 4004 BC.  Using his calendar, we come up with another interesting date:

      *    4004 + 2024 = 6028

      *    6028 minus 1 year for the BC-AD conversion = 6027

Thus, under both the Jewish calendar and the James Ussher calendar, we can see that we appear to have crossed the 6,000-year mark.  This is why some scholars are now suggesting that the plan of God for the earth is based not on the date of creation, but rather on the date that Adam and Eve sinned.  And this idea is compelling, since the Garden of Eden represented perfection, and the perfection crashed when Adam and Eve sinned, and the elimination of the perfection prompted the need for a plan of redemption—so that mankind could be restored to the original perfection.  But we have no way of knowing the date on which Adam and Eve at the forbidden fruit.  From the perspective of our desire to see the rapture and the Millennial Reign of Christ, we are of course hoping that they sinned right away.  But … we do not know.

There is also a possibility of another miscalculation by the Seder Olam and by Ussher.  However, we know that we are close in time.

c.   We also have a possible re-start of the calculation when considering the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.

i.    Hosea 6:2 suggests that 2,000 years after the death, burial resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ (which would be approximately 6,000 years since the creation of the earth or perhaps the fall of man in the earth), we will be revived (raptured?) and that we would be raised up (the Millennial Reign of Christ or transport to New Heaven and New Earth?) on the 3rd day.

ii.   Since it appears that the subject actions of Christ occurred in 32 AD, 2000 years later would be 2032 AD.  How do I come up with 32 AD?

A.  John the Baptist started his ministry between 9/17/28 and 9/17/29.  How do I know this?

*    Luke 3:1-3 – 15th year of Tiberius Ceasar.

*    Tiberius Ceasar started his reign on 9/17/14.

B.  Jesus likely baptized starting in May of 29 when the Jordan River temperatures were comfortable.  Note that the water temperature of the Jordan River is nice at that time (50-59 degrees F during Winter months) (59-64F in Spring and Fall months), and John the Baptist was baptizing.

C.  There are 3 recorded Passovers during Jesus’ ministry:

*    John 2:13 (30 AD)

*    John 6:4 (31 AD)

*    John 11:55 (and 12:1, 13:1, 18:28, 18:39, 19:14) (32 AD)

D.  The last Passover marks the time of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension.  Thus, 32 AD.

d.   Considering further the prophecy of the angel, Gabriel, to Daniel, as recorded in Daniel 9:24-27 that a final 7-year period has been ordained for the Jews and Jerusalem, it would appear that the church would have to be raptured from the Earth 7 years prior to that date. 7 years prior to 2032 is 2025.  More details and other resources regarding these matters will be provided in notes in the post.

2.   Signs in the Heavens - The tetrads in the 20th and 21st centuries that coincide with the Feast of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles suggest that something significant will occur in Israel in 2032.

a.   1949 & 1950 Tetrad – In 1949, the U.S. recognized Israel as a nation, Israel’s government was convened, and Israel was invited into the United Nations.

b.   1967 & 1968 Tetrad – In 1967, Israel engaged in the 6-Day War, acquiring significant territories and control over Jerusalem.

c.   2014 & 2015 Tetrad – In November of 2014, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, defended his draft of the Nation-State bill, declaring Israel to be "The nation-state of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people alone." Another version of this Nation-State legislation was eventually adopted on 7/19/2018.  In addition, in 2015, the United Nations created 17 world development goals called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of securing "peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future."

d.   2032 and 2033 Tetrad.  What will it mark?  Could it mark the beginning of the Millennial reign of Christ?

3.   The 70th Jubilee. The 70th Jubilee year announcement (which is the announcement of the start of the 70th period of 7 7-year shmitas since the nation of Israel first entered into the promised land) should occur on October 1, 2025, marking 3430 years from the time on which the Jews entered into the land of Israel following their captivity in Egypt.

a.   Solomon became king in 970 BC.  The 4th year of his reign would be 966 BC.

b.   1 Kings 6:1 – the year 966 BC (the 4th year of Solomon’s reign) marks the 480th year of Israelites coming out of Egypt.

*    966 + 480 = 1446 BC – the year Israel left Egypt

c.   The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years (Exodus 16:35, Numbers 32:13)

d.   1446 – 40 years = 1406 BC.

e.   Year of entry into the promised land: 1406 BC

*    Specifically, around the Feast of Unleavened Bread on May 1, 1406 BC.

*    This starts the Jubilee clock: Leviticus 25:1-12

*    See also Joshua 5; manna stopped, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was celebrated upon crossing of the Jordan River.

f.    70 x 7 x 7 = 3430 years.

g.   3430 – 1406 = 2024

h.   2024 + 1 year to account for the BC to AD calendar conversion = 2025

i.    Yom Kippur ram’s horn sounding should occur on October 1, 2025, according to the Jewish calendar as based on lunar activity.

4.   The Last Trump. This is just a curious possibility.  If Trump is reelected, he would be inaugurated in 2025. Was it coincidence that the KJV indicated “at the last trump” instead of using the word “trumpet”?  Not sure.  But it is amazingly interesting and also explains his failure to be elected in 2020 and the prophecies of many people that Trump would serve a 2nd term as POTUS.


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