Monday, March 11, 2024

The Interim and Ultimate Habitations of People at Death


Epoch Classification

Book of Life Classification

Interim Habitation (Usually at Death)

Ultimate Habitation

People who died before Jesus’ resurrection.

People whose names are found in the Book of Life of the Lamb Who was slaughtered (“Book of Life”). Rev. 13:8.[1]

 These people were saved by their belief in God. Gen. 15:6.

These people went to Sheol, which appears to be divided by a “river of death.” Job 33:18.

 This group of people listened to the warnings from God and were accordingly rescued. Job 33:14-30. Psalm 103:4.

 These people go to the side of Sheol that is a place of peace.  Abraham was there. Luke 16:22.

 These people are believed to constitute the “captivity” whom Jesus retrieved when He went to Sheol at His death. Ephesians 4:8; Psalm 16:11. These appear to have been brought to Paradise, having been rescued from Sheol. Psalm 86:13, Psalm 30:3, Psalm 16:8-11.

 These people are believed to have become part of the “dead in Christ” when Jesus retrieved them from Sheol.  Accordingly, they will be resurrected into glorified bodies at the Rapture. 2 Thes. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:52.

The new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. Rev. 21-22.

People whose names are not found in the Book of Life

 These people did not believe God. [Determined by contrast with Abraham and reference to Rev. 21:8.]

These people went to Sheol, which appears to be divided by a “river of death.” Job 33:18.

 These people did not listen to the warnings from God and were accordingly not rescued. Job 33:14-30. Psalm 103:4.

 These people are placed on the side of the river of death (Job 33:18) that is marked by flames of torment. Luke 16:19-31, Matt. 11:23, Job 33:18.  This side of the river of death is a/k/a the “pit,” the “bottomless pit,” “the lower parts of the earth” or the “abyss” that is covered by the depths of the oceans). Ezekiel 26:19-20; Ezekiel 28:8; Ezekiel 32:18-30.  Parts of Sheol are lower than others. Ezekiel 32:23; the lower parts may be known as Hades, while the upper parts are known simply as Death or the sea.

 These people remain in Death, Hades & the sea until the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:15.

 They are unable to communicate with God. Psalm 28:1.

They are removed from Death, Hades and the sea in order to be judged according to their works at the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:11-13.

 Presumably their works condemn them, and they are all cast into the Lake of Fire and Sulfur and also known as the “second death” (“Lake of Fire”). Rev. 20:15.[2]

People who die after Jesus’ resurrection.

People whose names are found in the Book of Life

 [These people are saved and gain eternal life with God by believing what God said—like Abraham (Gen. 15:6)—specifically by acknowledging and believing that their sins have been paid for by the sacrificial death of Jesus and that they gain life by the resurrection of Jesus. John 3:16, John 14:19-20, Rom. 4:24-25, Rom. 10:9-10, 1 Cor. 15:20-22, Eph. 1:7, Eph. 2:8-9, Col. 1:14, Heb. 7:24-25, Heb. 9:26-28.]

Paradise. Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 12:4, Psalm 16:10-11, Rev. 2:7.

 Then they will be resurrected into glorified bodies at the Rapture. 2 Thes. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:52.

The new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. Rev. 21-22.

People whose names are not found in the Book of Life

Believed to remain in Death, Hades & the sea until the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:15.

They are removed from Death, Hades and the sea in order to be judged according to their works at the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:11-13.

 Presumably their works condemn them, and they are all cast into the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:15.

People who live from the Rapture to the end of the Tribulation.

People whose names are found in the Book of Life

 [These people are saved and gain eternal life with God by their endurance to the end, i.e., of their lives or the Tribulation, by their belief in Jesus as definitively evidenced by their refusal to worship the antichrist or his image or to accept his mark on their hand or forehead. Matt. 10:21-22, Matt. 24:13-14, Rev. 13:7-10, Rev. 14:9-10]

Believed to live in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ.

The new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. Rev. 21-22.

People whose names are not found in the Book of Life

 Includes all of those who worship the antichrist or his image or take his mark. Rev. 13:8, Rev. 14:9-11, Rev. 20:4-5. [The mark and the worship seal their fate.] Also believed to include the 8 groups of sinners listed in Revelation 21:8. (See also 1 Cor. 6:9-10.)

This group may not die during the Millennium. If they do die, it is believed that they will remain in Death, Hades & the sea until the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:15.

They are removed from Death, Hades and the sea in order to be judged according to their works at the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:11-13.

 Presumably their works condemn them, and they are all cast into the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:15.

People who die during the 7-year period that includes or is the Tribulation.

People whose names are found in the Book of Life (they believed in Jesus, did not receive the mark of the antichrist beast, and did not worship the antichrist or his image – Rev. 20:4-5.)

They are resurrected and reign with Christ for 1,000 years. Rev. 20:4-6. This is the “First Resurrection.”

The new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. Rev. 21-22.

People whose names are not found in the Book of Life

Believed to remain in Death, Hades & the sea until the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:15.

They are removed from Death, Hades and the sea in order to be judged according to their works at the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:11-13.

 Presumably their works condemn them, and they are all cast into the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:15.

People who die during the Millennium.

People whose names are found in the Book of Life

It is possible that the righteous will not die during the Millennium.

 This group includes those who do not join with Satan and the nations to attack the Kingdom of Christ (and others described below).

The new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. Rev. 21-22.

People whose names are not found in the Book of Life

Includes those who gather with Satan, Gog and Magog to come against Christ and the saints particularly at Jerusalem; they are consumed by fire. Rev. 20:7-9.

Includes those who are in the 8 groups of sinners listed in Revelation 21:8. (See also 1 Cor. 6:9-10.)

 Believed to remain in Death, Hades & the sea until the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:15.

They are removed from Death, Hades and the sea in order to be judged according to their works at the Great White Throne judgment. Rev. 20:11-13.

 Presumably their works condemn them, and they are all cast into the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:15.


[1] Recorded at the foundation of the world. Rev. 17:8.

[2] This is also the final judgment destination of Satan (prophesied to go there in Isaiah 14:12-15), the antichrist and the false prophet. Rev. 19:20-21; Rev. 20:10.

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