Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Future Prophecy in Scripture

In passages like Isaiah 46:10 & Isaiah 48:5-8, God notes that prophecy is what distinguishes Him from all other beings—that He can “declare the end from the beginning.”

And, of course, many of the prophecies detailed in Scripture (such as the arrival, torture and the death of the Messiah as found in Psalm 22:1-18, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Daniel 9:25-26, Micah 5:1-2) enable us to have the confidence that prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the future will become fulfilled.

In the table below are detailed numerous passages of Scripture that address some significant prophetic events that are yet to be experienced in the future of humanity.

The key events, as we understand them chronologically, present in the following order:

·         The Rapture of the Church

  • A 7-year period that includes the time of the Great Tribulation
  • The Day of the Lord (marks the end of the Great Tribulation and heralds the arrival of Messiah)
  • Armageddon (an invasion by many nations of Israel to plunder and eliminate it)
  • The 2nd Coming of Christ (note that orthodox Jews understand this event to be the first arrival of the Messiah)
  • The Millennial Reign of Christ (a 1,000-year period wherein the Messiah reigns over the entire world from Mount Zion in Jerusalem)
  • Great White Throne judgment (follows Christ’s crushing of the final rebellion as described in Revelation 20:4-13)

These events are detailed in numerous prophecies scattered throughout Scripture—most of which are detailed below.


Concepts Addressed in the Passage


Genesis 3:15

Satan’s Assault on the Messiah (strike His heel), and the Messiah’s Crushing of the Head of Satan

Partially fulfilled by the nailing of Christ’s feet to the cross; the balance to be fulfilled when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 2:10).

Psalm 2

Millennial Reign of Christ

Refers either to the Messiah’s crushing of the nations at His 2nd Coming or in the final rebellion as described in Revelation 20:7-10.

Psalm 9:5-11

Millennial Reign of Christ

Refers either to the Messiah’s crushing of the nations at His 2nd Coming or in the final rebellion as described in Revelation 20:7-10.

Psalm 12:1, 5, 7



Psalm 14:7

2nd Coming of Christ

Reference to Zion is a key indicator

Psalm 17:11-13

The final assault of the nations against Israel

Includes a call to God to provide deliverance (2nd Coming of Christ)

Psalm 18:6-17

The final assault of the nations against Israel followed by the 2nd Coming of Christ

Describes some elements of the Day of the Lord, such as earthquakes, darkness, hail, smoke and fire.

Psalm 24:7-10

2nd Coming of Christ


Psalm 27:5

Rapture and/or some tribulation saints


Psalm 33:18-22

Great Tribulation

Prayer of tribulation saints

Psalm 37

Great Tribulation

Solace for tribulation saints

Psalm 45:3-7

Invitation to 2nd Coming of Christ


Psalm 46

2nd Coming of Christ and start of His Millennial Reign

Reference to raging nations, earthquakes and devastation to the earth.

Reference to the river in the City of God.

Psalm 47

Millennial Reign of Christ

Reference to reigning over the nations.

Psalm 48

Millennial Reign of Christ, including a brief reference to Armageddon and the 2nd Coming

Note the references to Zion.

Reference to kings assembling to attack.

Psalm 50:1-15

Millennial Reign of Christ, including a brief reference to the 2nd Coming

Note the references to Zion.

Psalm 51:18-19

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the references to Zion.

Psalm 53

Tribulation and prayer for the coming of the Messiah.

Note the references to Zion.

Psalm 54, 70, 74

Great Tribulation

Examples of many Psalms wherein a person is calling to God for vindication from the person’s enemies—typical of the prayers of a saint living in the time of the Great Tribulation.

Psalm 61:7

Millennial Reign of Christ


Psalm 66:1-5

Millennial Reign of Christ

The whole earth is invited to praise and worship Him.

Psalm 67

Millennial Reign of Christ

The nations praise God.

Psalm 68

2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

References to God’s conquest of His enemies.

Reference to earthquakes.

Reference to the temple in Jerusalem.

Reference to nations praising Him.

Psalm 69:34-36

Millennial Reign of Christ

Reference to salvation of Zion.

Psalm 72

Millennial Reign of Christ

Reference to His reigning over the earth and all nations worshipping Him.

Psalm 76

2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

Reference to Zion, and His tent in Jerusalem (Amos 9:11).

Reference to His conquest of enemies, nations and wrath.

Psalm 79-80

Armageddon and invitation to 2nd Coming of Christ

Reference to the nations, desecration of the temple, and attack against Israel.

Psalm 82:8

Invitation to the Day of the Lord


Psalm 83

Armageddon and invitation to the Day of the Lord


Psalm 86:9-10

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the fact that “all nations” come to worship God.

Psalm 87

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the emphasis on Zion.

Psalm 89:15-16


Note that the ones who hear the shout are happy and walk in the light of God’s presence; they are made righteous by God.

Psalm 96-97

Praise for the 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

Note references to Zion, a new song and the fact that all nations are invited to worship.

Psalm 100

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note that all nations are invited to worship.

Psalm 102:12-22

Invitation to the Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the references to Zion.

Psalm 106:47

Plea for God to gather Israel from the nations.


Psalm 110

2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

Note reference to Zion and a particular “day.”

Psalm 117

Millennial Reign of Christ

Call for praise to all nations.

Psalm 118:10-12

Day of the Lord?


Psalm 124

2nd Coming of Christ

Providing deliverance from the evil attackers.

Psalm 125

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the reference to Zion and “now and forever.”

Evil is banished.

Psalm 126

Millennial Reign of Christ

Zion is restored.

“The nations” recognize that Yahweh has blessed Israel.

Psalm 129:5

2nd Coming of Christ

Those who attack Zion will be punished.

Psalm 130:7-8

Millennial Reign of Christ

Israel will be specially forgiven for their sins.

Psalm 132:13-18

Millennial Reign of Christ

Based in Zion per the desire of God.

Psalm 133:3

Millennial Reign of Christ

Yahweh accords everlasting life to the remnant of Israel. (See the promise in the prior chapter of forgiveness of sins.)

Psalm 134

Millennial Reign of Christ

Blessings extend to Yahweh’s servants from Zion.

Psalm 135:21

Millennial Reign of Christ

A call for praise to Yahweh Who reigns from Zion.

Psalm 138:4-5

Millennial Reign of Christ

All kings on earth will worship Yahweh.

Psalm 140:10

Final Judgment

Evil are cast into the Lake of Fire.

Psalm 144:5-8

Plea for the 2nd Coming of Christ

To provide deliverance from the enemy.

Psalm 145

Millennial Reign of Christ

A praise that may be presented during the reign of Yahweh.

Psalm 147:2-3

Millennial Reign of Christ

He rebuilds Jerusalem and gathers Israel.

Psalm 148-149

Millennial Reign of Christ

An extensive praise that will be proclaimed during His reign.

Psalm 150


An eternal praise to Yahweh.

Isaiah 2:1-4

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the references to the “last days,” “Zion” and “all nations.”

Marked by peace.

Isaiah 2:10-22

The Day of the Lord

All mankind and human pride will be brought low; people will flee into caves; the earth will be terrified.

Isaiah 4:2-6

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the reference to “that day” and Zion.

Zion is associated with Jerusalem.

The glory of God will be present.

Isaiah 5:26-30

God’s invitation to the nations to come to the Battle of Armageddon.

Note the reference to “distant nations” to come to assault Israel and the reference to “that day” (the Battle of Armageddon occurs in connection with the 2nd Coming of Christ).

Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

Millennial Reign of Christ

Reigning from the throne of David

Isaiah 11

Millennial Reign of Christ – particularly its beginning.

Marked by peace, righteousness, justice, faithfulness, and all will know Yahweh.

The remnant of Israel and Judah will be gathered from around the world and brought into the nation of Israel.

Note the reference to “that day.”

Isaiah 12

Foretelling of the praise occurring during the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Note the reference to Zion and “that day.”

Isaiah 13:1-13

The Day of the Lord, which is the moments preceding the 2nd Coming of Christ.

The wrath of God unleashed on wicked mankind, marked by fear, horror, pain, agony, desolation of the earth, darkness, disaster, earthquakes, and shaking of the heavens.

Isaiah 14:12-19

Defeat of Satan; cast into the bottomless pit.


Isaiah 16:5

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note that the throne is established in the “tent of David.”

Isaiah 17:4-14

Armageddon and the Day of the Lord

Only a remnant in Israel will be spared; note the references to “that day” and “nations.”

Isaiah 18

Millennial Reign of Christ

Very unusually marked by a special gift by a special group of people from a powerful nation (whose land is divided by rivers) with an unusual language brought to Yahweh at Mount Zion; might possibly mark the return of the original Ark of the Covenant.

Isaiah 19:16-25

Millennial Reign of Christ

A special note regarding a special relationship created between Egypt, certain nations (comprising the former Assyria) and Israel.

Isaiah 24

Day of the Lord, and start of the Millennial Reign of Christ

A promise that the earth will be desolated.

Isaiah 25

The aftermath of the Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ and the start of the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Notice that a great feast is promised for the people “on the mountain” [i.e., of Zion]. This is something of a parallel to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Note the reference to “that day.”

Isaiah 26:1-18

The Millennial Reign of Christ

Reference to the people of the world learning righteousness.

Reference to the 2nd Coming of Christ in vs. 11.

Reference to expansion of the borders of Israel.

Isaiah 26:19-21

Perhaps the Rapture

Note that the dead of God are indicated to rise and then other people are gathered and sequestered until the wrath of God has passed.  The wrath of God and the Day of the Lord is described in the succeeding verse. [Timing suggests pre-wrath rapture.]

Isaiah 26:20b-21

The Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ.

Reference to wrath and judgment upon the earth.

Isaiah 27:1

Punishment of Satan

Note the reference to “that day.”

Isaiah 27:12-13

The start of the Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the reference to “that day” and the gathering of Israel from among the nations.

Isaiah 28:5-6

Millennial Reign of Christ

Referred to as Yahweh of Hosts; note the reference to “that day.” The reign is marked by justice and strength.

Isaiah 30:18-26

Millennial Reign of Christ

Special attention is given to the people of Israel.  Note the reference to Zion and “that day.”

Isaiah 30:27-33

2nd Coming of Christ

Note the judgment affects “the nations.”  There is particular judgment on Assyria (presumably the collection of nations that formerly comprised it).

Isaiah 33:20-24

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the reference to Zion.

Isaiah 34

2nd Coming of Christ and Millennial Reign of Christ

Judgment of the nations with a particularly pronounced judgment against Edom [now Jordan].

Isaiah 35

Millennial Reign of Christ

The land will be blessed, and God’s people will return to Zion.

Isaiah 40:1-11

Millennial Reign of Christ

God appears in Zion and comforts the people of Israel.

Isaiah 42:1-17

Millennial Reign of Christ

He is praised in the earth.

A reference to the 2nd Coming of Christ in vss. 13-15.

Isaiah 43:1-7

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the gathering of the people of Israel.

Isaiah 45:14-25

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the special promise of special salvation and justification for the descendants of Israel.

Isaiah 46:13

Millennial Reign of Christ

The promise of splendor and salvation in Israel.

Isaiah 49:7-26

Promise of restoration of Israel.

As manifested in the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Isaiah 51

Promise of restoration of Israel.

As manifested in the Millennial Reign of Christ; note that justice will be brought “to the nations.”

Note the reference to Zion.

Isaiah 52:1-12

2nd Coming of Christ and Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the statement: “Yahweh returns to Zion” (indicating that He has been there before.

Note the reference to “nations.”

Isaiah 52:13 – Isaiah 53

Special discussion of the Messiah as the One who reigns.

Note that earlier He appalled people and was disfigured; now He sprinkles the nations; He was despised, rejected, stricken, struck down by God and afflicted; He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed; he bore the punishment for all; He was “cut off” from the land of the living (i.e., put to death); He will justify many; He submitted Himself to death; He bore the sin of many; He will be highly exalted.

Isaiah 54

Millennial Reign of Christ

Special promises to the people of Israel and Jerusalem.

Isaiah 55

Millennial Reign of Christ

Promise to fulfill the promise to David and promise for joy and peace everlasting.

Isaiah 56:1-8

Invitation to all to come and worship the Lord.

“A house of prayer for all nations.”

Isaiah 60

Millennial Reign of Christ

Descendants of Jacob will return to Israel along with great wealth.  The temple will be beautified.

The light of Yahweh will render the sun and moon unnecessary.

Note the reference to Zion.

Isaiah 61-62

Millennial Reign of Christ

The descendants of Jacob will be abundantly blessed in the witness of all nations.

Emphasis on righteousness.

References to Zion.

Jerusalem will be a praise in the earth.

Isaiah 63:1-6

2nd Coming of Christ and Armageddon

“Day of vengeance”

Isaiah 64:1-2

Invitation for the 2nd Coming of Christ

References to His coming and earthquakes and fire.

Isaiah 65:17-25

Millennial Reign of Christ

Earth and heaven to be re-made by God.

A time of peace.

People will live longer during this time.

Isaiah 66:12-14, 18-24

Millennial Reign of Christ

Jerusalem restored; the whole world will worship God.

Isaiah 66:14-16

Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ

Reference to His coming, wrath, fire and judgment on all flesh.

Ezekiel 14:12-20

Great Tribulation

Describing a basis for time of desolation of the earth; the whole earth (except for the remnant) will have acted faithlessly against God.

Ezekiel 28:11-19

Satan and his Final Judgment

See also Revelation 20:10.

Ezekiel 28:24-26

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note the gathering of the people of Israel from among the nations.

Ezekiel 34:11-31

Millennial Reign of Christ

Like a shepherd, God will search out and gather the descendants of Jacob to Israel.

He will give them peace and restoration.

King David will be their shepherd and Yahweh will be their God.

The land and the people will be blessed and protected.

Ezekiel 36:8-12, 22-38

Millennial Reign of Christ

God will restore the nation, land and people of Israel.  He will gather the people from the nations and bring them to Israel.  He will give them salvation, a new heart and a new spirit and His Spirit.

God will also cause the land to become fruitful for them.

God will restore the cities from their desolation.

Ezekiel 37:1-14

Millennial Reign of Christ

God will cause the people of Israel who have died to come alive; He will give them His Spirit, and they will live and come into the land.

Ezekiel 37:15-28

Millennial Reign of Christ

God will call all of Israel from the nations to which they were scattered and all of Judah from the nations to which they were scattered and unite them again into a single nation.

King David will reign over them forever.

They will follow God’s statutes.

There will be a perpetual covenant of peace.

God will dwell with them forever.

Ezekiel 38-39:24

A Massive Invasion of Israel (Armageddon)

A group of nations invades Israel to plunder it.  Included in the group of nations is Gog/Rosh (Russia), Persia (Iran), Put (Libya), Cush (Sudan), Gomer (Turkey) and Beth Togarmah (Armenia). It will be a massive army and ground assault. [Opponents of the idea that this is Armageddon indicate that this battle is against Israel whereas the Battle of Armageddon as described in Revelation 19:17-21 is against Christ Himself.  However, Zechariah 14:1-15 reconciles the battles—suggesting that the battle starts against Israel, but then Christ comes to rescue Israel and defeat the invading army.]

Some nations (including possibly nations in Northern Africa as well as other nations known for their merchants—i.e., possibly the U.S.) will inquire about the purpose of the invasion.

Scholars differ as to whether this invasion occurs at the start of or at the midpoint of the Great Tribulation or whether it is indeed the Battle of Armageddon. The succeeding passage of Ezekiel 39:25-29 suggests that this battle is Armageddon.

God addresses the enemy of Israel with an earthquake (so severe that all living creatures tremble), rain, hailstones, plague and burning sulfur. [Note that the battle as described in Zechariah 14 includes a massive earthquake, a plague and panic.]

It will take 7 months to bury the dead of the invading army and 7 years to burn the weapons (which points to a date at the start of the final 7-year period of Tribulation).  Birds (see also Revelation 19:17-18) and wild animals will assist with the cleanup of the deceased.

The world will recognize that God saved Israel.

Note that the battle in Revelation 20:7-9 involves all nations (unlike this attack that involves less than all nations), and Satan is leading the charge—indicative of the fact that the Revelation battle is the final rebellion, while this battle appears to be distinct from the final battle.

Note that the assault is on Israel, after the land has been restored from war and which has been “regathered from many peoples to the mountains of Israel” (which appears to be after the resurrection of Israel in 1948).

Ezekiel 39:25-29

Millennial Reign of Christ

God will restore the fortunes of Jacob and gather the people of Israel from the nations.

God will demonstrate His holiness to Israel in the sight of many nations.

God will pour out His Spirit on the House of Israel.

Ezekiel 40-46

A New Temple

Ezekiel describes a new temple along with its dimensions.

This temple will likely be the temple of Yahweh as built at the start of the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Ezekiel 47

The Special Life-Giving River flowing out from the Temple Area in the Millennial Reign of Christ

Provides fresh, restorative water that produces life, and special trees providing healing.

Ezekiel 48

Allotments of Land in Israel During the Millennial Reign of Christ


Daniel 2

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of Future World Kingdoms


According to Daniel’s interpretation (Daniel 2:31-45), a series of world kingdoms would arise after the Babylonian kingdom, each becoming inferior to the prior kingdom; the final kingdom (of the antichrist) has 10 elements and is partly strong and partly brittle; a stone from God (Christ) crushes the final kingdom and establishes “a kingdom that will never be destroyed” (v. 44).

Daniel 7:7-27

Daniel’s Vision of the Final World Kingdom and its Destruction by the Messiah

Appears to be the final world kingdom; its 10 horns represent its 10 kings or sovereignties; the kingdom is terrorizing to the earth; one small horn that arises in place of 3 horns is the antichrist. He speaks against the Most High and changes the laws and religious festivals and persecutes the “holy ones” for 3.5 years. But the Ancient of Days arrives and strips the kingdom away from him.

One like the son of man is granted authority over the earth.  He is given an everlasting kingdom.

Daniel 8

Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat

Providing Daniel with a prophecy about future kingdoms, including Medo-Persia (Cyrus the Great), Greece led by Alexander the Great, whose kingdom at his death was divided into 4 kingdoms—one of which would be the Seleucid Empire, whose leader, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, would claim to be “God Manifest,” persecute Israel and defile the temple—as a precursor to a future similar offender, the antichrist (the little horn of Daniel 7:8, 25 and discussed in Daniel 9:27 and 11:36-45, Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 13:22, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, I John 2:18-23 and Revelation 11:7, 13:5-7, 13:16-18, 17:8-12).

Daniel 9:24-27

Gabriel’s Prophecy Given to Daniel Regarding the Coming of the Messiah and the antichrist

Gabriel indicates that 490 years are particularly prophesied for Daniel’s people and Jerusalem; the Messiah would come 483 years after the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem; the Messiah would then be “cut off”; a final period of 7 years awaits in the future marked by a covenant entered into by him (the antichrist) with “many” (likely the people of Israel) for a 7-year period, but in 3.5 years he (the antichrist) will break the covenant, stop the sacrifices and offerings and defile the temple—inciting desolation of the world (by God).

Daniel 10-11

An Angel’s Prophecy Given to Daniel Regarding Future Kingdoms

Daniel receives a prophecy regarding the future kingdom of Greece as would become controlled by Alexander the Great, whose kingdom would be divided in 4 kingdoms, culminating in detail regarding the actions of Antiochus Epiphanes IV.

The prophecy is so accurate in its description of the kingdoms and their activities that many have opined that the information was recorded after the facts.

Verses 40-45 may relate to an end times battle involving the antichrist as the king of the North. [Note that verses 36-45 may all relate to the antichrist.]

Daniel 12:1

The Great Tribulation and perhaps the Day of the Lord

Uniquely severe distress.

Possible reference to the Rapture or the Lamb’s gathering (see Revelation 14:14-16).

Daniel 12:2-3

Resurrection of the Dead

Possible reference to the Rapture or Great White Throne judgment (see Revelation 20:11-15).

Daniel 12:3-13

Last Days

Those who lead many to righteousness could refer to those who spread the Gospel during the Great Tribulation.

Travel and increase in knowledge are noted to be evident in the last days.

The duration of the events until the end will be a time, times and ½ a time (i.e., 3.5 years or 3,500 years or 3.5 jubilees).

From the time the daily sacrifice is abolished to the time of the abomination of desolation is 1,290 days.

Hosea 2:23

Millennial Reign of Christ

God replaces the people of Israel in Israel and has compassion on them.

Hosea 3:4-5

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note that King David lived approximately 500 years before this passage was written, but it looks forward to seeing King David again with the Messiah.

Note the reference to the “last days.”

Hosea 6:1-3

2nd Coming of Christ

According to the Millennial Day Theory, verse 2 appears to suggest that the Millennial Reign of Christ might come approximately 2,000 years after Christ ascended into heaven.

Joel 1:1-14

The Great Tribulation

Notice that the invasion of nations into Israel is described as a devastation of locusts (see Amos 7:1-6).

Joel 1:15-20

The Day of the Lord

Note the reference to “that day.”

Note that it is a time of devastation—even to Israel.

Joel 2:1-17

The Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ

Note that it is accompanied or preceded by darkness.

Note that the army of the Lord incites terror in the nations.

Note that there is a gathering of people in conjunction with the arrival of the army of the Lord.

Joel 2:18-19

A promise of restoration associated with the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Reference to Israel no longer being a disgrace to the nations.

Joel 2:20


Note that the invasion into Israel came from the North.

Joel 2:21-27

A promise of restoration associated with the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Note the reference to Zion.

Joel 2:28-32

Tribulation and possibly the time preceding the Tribulation

A promise of a special anointing of the Holy Spirit on humanity.

A promise of wonders in the heavens and on earth.

Sun turned to darkness and the moon to blood BEFORE the Day of the Lord.

A promise of salvation to those who call on the name of Yahweh.

A promise of escape to those “on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem.”

Note that Yahweh will “call survivors” to salvation.

Joel 3:1-16

Armageddon, the Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ

God gathers nations together to fight against Him and His army, and He will trample them like grapes.

The nations are judged for their wickedness and offenses against God’s people.

Note that darkness precedes the Day of the Lord.

The Lord arrives at Zion in Jerusalem with earthquakes and a shaking of heaven.

Joel 3:17-21

Millennial Reign of Christ

Marked by peace and prosperity for the people of Judah and Jerusalem.

The people of Judah will be pardoned by God.

Amos 5:18-20

The Day of the Lord

Marked by a time of darkness and terrors for everyone.

Amos 7:1-6

The Great Tribulation

Note that it is a time that will devastate Israel.

Note that it refers to the invasion of Israel by nations described as devouring locusts (see Joel 1:1-14).

Note that the invasion occurs AFTER the king’s crop is taken up (could be a reference to the rapture of the Church).

Note that fire devours the oceans as well as the land.

Amos 9:5

The 2nd Coming of Christ

Reference to His touching of the earth and all on the earth mourning.

Amoz 9:11-15

Millennial Reign of Christ

Restoration of the fallen Tabernacle of David.

Prosperity given to Israel; they will not be uprooted from their land.

Obadiah 1:15-21

Day of the Lord

Note that all nations will be judged by God.

Deliverance on Mount Zion.

Israel will be given prominence.

It will be the Lord’s kingdom.

Micah 1:2-4

Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ

Judgment against all nations.

Note that the earth will quake at this time.

Micah 2:12-13

Millennial Reign of Christ

Descendants of Jacob will be gathered to Israel. 

The Lord will be their king.

Micah 4:1-8

Millennial Reign of Christ

Note reference to “last days.” 

The Lord will reign from Mount Zion in Jerusalem. 

Nations will be excited to see the Lord to receive His instruction. 

The time and kingdom will be marked by peace; the Lord will settle disputes between nations. 

Everyone will have peace and comfort. 

God will gather the remnant and bring them to His kingdom.

Micah 4:11-12


Nations will be gathered to launch a massive international assault against Israel. 

The Lord will plunder the nations on that day.

Micah 5:1-6

Armageddon and the Millennial Reign of Christ

The one from Bethlehem will arrive to rescue Israel from the invasion by 7 or 8 nations (referred to as an invasion by Assyria and Nimrod).

Micah 7:8-13

Millennial Reign of Christ

Nations will see the restoration of Israel.

Micah 7:18-20

Millennial Reign of Christ

Christ will forgive the sins of the remnant of Israel (giving them salvation).

Nahum 1:2-6

Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ

God’s wrath poured out against His enemies. 

The earth and all people will shake at His arrival.

Nahum 1:14

Judgment of the Antichrist

See also Revelation 19:20.

Nahum 1:15

Millennial Reign of Christ

The wicked never again march through Judah.

Habakkuk 2:14

Millennial Reign of Christ

The whole earth knows the Glory of God.

Habakkuk 3:3-15

Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ

References to His coming, plagues, pestilence, earthquakes, the nations’ fear, wrath, judgment on water, and salvation of His people.

Habakkuk 3:16-19

Final Invasion of Israel

The remnant are to flee to the mountains when the invasion occurs.

Zephaniah 1

Day of the Lord, 2nd Coming of Christ

Note the references to Zion and “that day.” 

Marked by destruction and desolation. 

Note that distress and horror is brought on all of mankind. 

Particular judgments noted for Assyria, Egypt and other nearby nations.

Zephaniah 3:1-8


Note that God gathers the nations together for their judgment. 

The whole earth is consumed by God’s fire.

Zephaniah 3:9-20

Millennial Reign of Christ

The remnant of Israel finds refuge in Yahweh; they are delivered from the enemy. They are gathered and accorded fame and praise.

Zechariah 2:10-13

2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

Note the references to Zion and “that day.”

Zechariah 3:10

2nd Coming of Christ

Note the reference to “that day.”

Zechariah 5:5-11


Possible reference to the future Babylon that brings wickedness to the earth.

Zechariah 8

2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

Note the references to Zion and the references to people returning to Israel.

Zechariah 9:9-17

2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign

Note the references to Zion and “that day.”

Zechariah 10:8-12

Millennial Reign

The gathering of Israel

Zechariah 12:1-9

2nd Coming of Christ

Note the references to “that day”; rescue of the nation and Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:10-14

Israel’s reaction to the arrival of the Messiah (the 2nd Coming of Christ)

Mourning seeing the One that they pierced; note the references to “that day”; note the reference to the Battle of Armageddon.

Zechariah 13

Start of the Millennial Reign of Christ

Marked by cleansing; note that only 1/3 of the people of Israel remain. Note the references to “that day.”

Zechariah 14

Day of the Lord, 2nd Coming of Christ, Armageddon, beginning of the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Amazing description of the Day of the Lord and the arrival of the Messiah on the Mount of Olives, which will be split in ½--allowing people of Jerusalem to escape as the army of God brings down judgment on the nations gathered.  Note the references to “that day.”  Earthquake noted. No light on that day.  At the start of the Millennial Reign of Christ, note the existence of “living water” flowing out from Jerusalem. Note that all who attacked Jerusalem, including all of their animals, will rot while they are standing. The Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated by the whole world.

Malachi 1:11

Millennial Reign of Christ

All nations will worship Yahweh.

Malachi 3:1-6

2nd Coming of Christ

Messenger comes before the Lord. 

He comes to His temple. 

Who can endure the day of His coming?

Malachi 3:16-18

Rapture or other rescue

God will take some very evident special action towards a group of people as “a special possession on the day I am preparing.”  The action will distinguish between the righteous and the wicked.  There is no reference to Jacob or Judah here, suggesting that God is not talking about the Day of the Lord.

Malachi 4:1-3

The Day of the Lord

Massive judgment of God on the wicked—reducing them to ashes.

Malachi 4:4-6

Promise of sending Elijah before the Day of the Lord

He precedes the arrival of Yahweh; the law seems to be re-invigorated at this time—suggesting that this time is for the Jews. 

Perhaps Elijah and Enoch are the 2 witnesses—because they were taken without being submitted to death; instead, they will be put to death by the evil kingdom on earth. 

The message of Elijah will restore families.

Matthew 1021-23

Gospel of Tribulation

·         Requires endurance to the end (i.e., of your life of the end of the Great Tribulation).

Matthew 19:28

Millennial Reign of Christ

Jesus’ disciples reign with Him.

Matthew 24

Parallel passages:

·         Mark 13

·         Luke 21:5-28

Jesus Explains Last Days Events

Jesus notes:

·         Increase in deception

·         People claiming to be the Messiah

·         Wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom

·         Famines

·         Earthquakes

·         Persecution of God’s people

·         Presence of false prophets

·         Proclaiming of the Gospel to the whole world

·         Abomination of Desolation spoken about by Daniel appears

·         Great Tribulation (the worst devastation of the earth) with few survivors

·         Sun and moon darkened

·         Stars fall

·         Son of Man comes in the clouds with great power and great glory

·         As in the days of Noah, people will go about their lives oblivious to what is about to occur

·         One will be taken and another will be left

Matthew 26:29

(also Mark 14:25)

Millennial Reign of Christ

Referred to as the Kingdom of God

Luke 1:33

Millennial Reign of Christ

The kingdom will be everlasting.

John 14:1-3

Promise of Shelter from Jesus

Possibly an indication of the place where saints will be protected from the Great Tribulation.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52


·         Saints are changed in a twinkling of the eye

·         At the last trump

·         Dead are raised.

Hebrews 8:11

Millennial Reign of Christ

Everyone will know Him.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


Jesus descends with a shout, the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God; the dead rise; then the living saints rise to meet Jesus in the air.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12



·         He appears before the Day of the Lord

·         He announces that he is God.

·         He desecrates temple. (See also Daniel 9:27, Zechariah 14:2, Matthew 24:15-16)

·         He is currently restrained.

·         Satan empowers him and enables him to perform false signs and wonders.

·         Many will be deceived by him.

·         Christ will defeat him.

1 John 2:18-22

Warning that Antichrist is Coming

He will deny the deity of Jesus.

Revelation 3:7-13

Church of Philadelphia

·         Appears to be protected from the Great Tribulation

Revelation 3:14-22

Church of Laodicea

·         May be the saints of the time of the Great Tribulation, who, if they overcome, gain the right to experience the presence of God.

Revelation 4


·         John hears the sound of a trumpet and an invitation to “Come up here”—akin to saints in the Rapture.

·         Immediately John is “in the Spirit” and in heaven in the presence of God and His throne.

Revelation 5

The Worthy Lamb

·         Authorized to open the scroll of the end time judgment of God

Revelation 5:10

Millennial Reign of Christ

Martyred saints reign with Him

Revelation 6 & 8:1-5

Breaking of the 7 Seals

·         Conquest

·         Taking of peace and people killing each other

·         Massive inflation

·         Death of ¼ of people with sword, famine, animals and plague

·         Martyrs

·         Great earthquake

·         Sun blackened.

·         Moon to blood

·         Sky is split apart.

·         Asteroids strike earth.

·         Every island and mountain changed.

·         Fire strikes earth

Revelation 7

Interlude during Trumpets

·         Angels halt wind from blowing

·         Angel seals 144,000 from Israel

·         A multitude of persons coming out of the Tribulation offer praise to the Lamb.

Revelation 8:13

Eagle Announces Woes to the Earth

·         Note that the message of God is delivered by something other than the Church.

Revelation 8:6-9:21 & 11:15-19

Sounding of the 7 Trumpets

·         Hail and fire strike earth.

·         1/3 of all vegetation destroyed.

·         A mountain of fire hits the oceans and water becomes like blood; 1/3 of all sea life dies.

·         Star from heaven falls on 1/3 of all fresh water; many die.

·         1/3 of sun, moon and stars stricken causing darkness

·         Scorpion-like locusts released from the Abyss to attack mankind.

·         1/3 of mankind killed with fire, plagues, smoke and brimstone.

·         2 witnesses appear and are slain.

·         Earthquake rocks Jerusalem

·         Announcement given from heaven & temple of God appears with Ark of the Covenant

Revelation 13

Antichrist and False Prophet

·         Come from the sea

·         Authority to act for 3.5 years

·         Antichrist will conquer saints.

·         Antichrist will be worshipped by all except for the saints.

·         His number is 666.

Revelation 14

144,000 from Israel


Proclamations from 3 angels


2 Massive Gatherings from the Earth

·         Proclamations announce judgment and the Gospel of the Tribulation

·         The first gathering appears to be like a drawing of people to heaven by Christ.

·         The second gathering appears to be a gathering of those who are crushed in the judgment of Armageddon.

Revelation 15

Great Tribulation

Those Victorious over the antichrist Praise God. 

Angels Prepare the Bowls of Wrath.

Revelation 16

Pouring of the 7 Bowls of Wrath of God

·         Sores afflict all who have the mark of the antichrist.

·         The sea turns to blood and all sea life dies.

·         Freshwater turns to blood.

·         The sun scorches with a plague of fire and heat (see Isaiah 24:6)

·         Antichrist’s kingdom darkened; pain and sores afflict people.

·         Euphrates River dries up.

·         Demons emitted from Satan, the antichrist and the false prophet summon nations to attack Israel – the Battle of Armageddon.

·         Angelic announcement and strongest earthquake to strike the earth occurs.

·         Mountains and islands disappear.

·         100-pound hailstones fall on the earth.

Revelation 17

Antichrist and Babylon

Babylon described as the mother of prostitutes and all of the vile things of the earth. 

Antichrist kingdom (the “beast”) has 7 heads and 10 horns (kingdoms). It comes from the abyss and seeks to destroy.

Revelation 18

Fall of Babylon

Possible indication of Rapture before Babylon becomes prominent in vss. 4-5 (although it could be the Lamb’s gathering as described in Revelation 14:14-15). 

The earth mourns Babylon’s fall because it was a source of wealth.

Revelation 19:19-21

Battle of Armageddon

Messiah defeats nations that attack Israel. 

Antichrist and false prophet cast into the Lake of Fire.

See also Zechariah 14:1-5 and Zechariah 12:9

Revelation 20:1-3

Satan is Cast into the Bottomless Pit


Revelation 20:4

Millennial Reign of Christ


Revelation 20:7-9

Satan’s Final Assault


Revelation 20:9-10

Satan and antichrist Cast into the Lake of Fire


Revelation 21-22

A New Heaven and New Earth Prepared




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