Tuesday, April 26, 2022

70th Jubilee Ram's Horn Announcement - October 1, 2025 - Is It a Significant Date?

It’s difficult to know what, if anything, this means, but it seems like it should be significant.  It appears that a date is coming that marks the 70th Jubilee.

1. Leviticus 25:1-12 states that, beginning when the Israelites entered into the land of Israel, a ram’s horn announcement is to be made every 49th year on the Day of Atonement—to announce the coming 50th year, which is a jubilee year. 

The Lord then spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying, 2 “Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘When you come into the land which I am going to give you, then the land shall have a Sabbath to the Lord. 3 For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its produce, 4 but during the seventh year the land shall have a Sabbath rest, a Sabbath to the Lord; you shall not sow your field nor prune your vineyard. 5 You shall not reap your harvest’s aftergrowth, and you shall not gather your grapes of untrimmed vines; the land shall have a sabbatical year. 6 All of you shall have the Sabbath produce of the land as food; for yourself, your male and female slaves, and your hired worker and your foreign resident, those who live as strangers among you. 7 Even your cattle and the animals that are in your land shall have all its produce to eat.


8 ‘You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, that is, forty-nine years. 9 You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land. 10 So you shall consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family. 11 You shall have the fiftieth year as a jubilee; you shall not sow, nor harvest its aftergrowth, nor gather grapes from its untrimmed vines. 12 For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat its produce from the field. 

2. The Israelites entered into the land of Israel in about 1406 bc. (See  https://biblearchaeology.org/research/exodus-from-egypt/2954-the-biblical-date-for-the-exodus-is-1446-bc-a-response-to-james-hoffmeier).

            a.         1 Kings 6:1 – “Now it came about in the four hundred and eightieth year after the sons of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, that is, the second month, that he began to build the house of the Lord.” 

            b.         Scholars believe that Solomon became king in the year 970 bc, so the 4th year of his reign would be 966 bc.  Adding 480 years to 966, would mean that Israel departed Egypt in around the time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (immediately after Passover) in 1446 bc. 

            c.         Considering that the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, they would have entered into their land in around the date of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in 1406 bc. (May 1, 1406 bc per http://www.cgsf.org/dbeattie/calendar/?roman=1406bc). This is the year that starts the jubilee clock according to Leviticus 25:1-12.  Note that the manna stopped, and the Israelites ate unleavened bread immediately after the Passover celebration immediately following their crossing of the Jordan and national circumcision. (See Joshua 5.)

3. 70 Jubilees from 1406 bc would mean that the ram’s horn announcement of the 70th Jubilee year would be on Yom Kippur, 2025, or October 1. (See https://www.chabad.org/holidays/JewishNewYear/template_cdo/aid/671893/jewish/When-Is-Yom-Kippur-in-2022-2023-2024-and-2025.htm)

            a.         The number of years in a Jubilee is seven sevens or 49.  70 times 49 = 3430.  Thus, there are 3,430 years in 70 Jubilees since the Israelites entered into their land. 

            b.         3,430 – 1406 (the years bc) = 2024; because there is no “0” year on the calendar, we must add 1 year to cover the missing calendar year “0”—bringing us to 2025.  (See the date calculator here: https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1247118517). Thus, our calendar year of approximately May 1 of 2025 (and more precisely, the start of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on April 12, 2025 (see https://www.hebcal.com/holidays/pesach-2025?i=on) marks 7 x 7 x 70 years from when the Israelites entered into their land; which means that the ram’s horn should sound on the next succeeding Yom Kippur to consecrate that year as the Jubilee year. 

            c.         The next succeeding new year begins on Rosh Hashanah, September 22, 2025 (see https://www.hebcal.com/holidays/rosh-hashana-2025), which means that Yom Kippur (the 10th day of the 7th month) is October 1, 2025. (See https://www.chabad.org/holidays/JewishNewYear/template_cdo/aid/671893/jewish/When-Is-Yom-Kippur-in-2022-2023-2024-and-2025.htm). 

This date should mark a massive celebration in Israel and may have spiritual and prophetic significance on the calendar of God.




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