Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Many Prophecies that President Trump Will Be Re-Elected to Serve a Second Term as President of the United States (Updated)


Among the many items on my long list of unusual things that occurred in 2020 is the extensive publication of prophecies, visions and dreams that Donald J. Trump will enjoy a 2nd term as President of the United States.  I am particularly interested in these prophecies, visions and dreams, because like many people, I voted for Donald J. Trump to be President of the United States, and like many people I was disappointed and shocked at the election results.  In fact, I am not at all surprised to hear that instances of fraudulent activity have occurred, and I am immensely interested in knowing whether the fraud has risen to the level of having altered the outcome of the election not only for Donald J. Trump, but also for a host of other persons seeking a host of other political offices.  I just think it's highly suspicious and curious that there would be 20% more voters voting in the 2020 election as compared to the 2016 election wherein the political parties were aggressively battling for power and votes, and while Trump secured more (nearly 5 million more) votes than the popular Obama, Biden seemed to secure even more (a crazy 7 million more) votes than Trump.

[So that you can understand my political bias here, I should note that I voted for Donald J. Trump, because I consider him to be the candidate most likely to advance the interests of God, principally including (a) blessing and advancing the interests of Israel (see Blog Entry Re Israel), (b) protecting the unborn from the ravages of abortion (see Blog Entry Re Abortion), and (c) eliminating or mitigating the nation’s advancement of the promotion of the rights of persons simply because they pursue a homosexual lifestyle (see Blog Entry Re Morality Standards).  I believe that all of these matters will directly affect the blessing of God (or absence thereof, depending on the extent to which they are implemented) on our nation.  Now I know that many people think that the interests of God are primarily focused on the care of the poor and the elimination of racial discrimination, and they argue that the Democratic Party is better at caring for the poor and eliminating racial discrimination; however, I would say that while I agree that the care of the poor is an important interest of God, and forgetting the argument that the Republican Party might be more effective at caring for the poor and eliminating racial discrimination, I believe that the responsibility for the care of the poor and affecting our culture to eliminate discrimination falls principally with the church--regardless of the government’s actions and regardless of which political party is in power or is trying to help the poor or eliminate discrimination.  Thus, while I am happy to see the government protect the poor and helpless and act to eliminate discrimination, I see no reason to delegate to the government the responsibilities of the church.  However, I don’t want to delve into politics any more than this, because it’s a side note to the concept that I am trying to address in this post.]

I think the prophecies that Donald J. Trump will be elected to serve a 2nd term as President of the United States are amazing for a number of reasons, and I want to note them (and I note that there are many others):

Prophecies and Links to YouTube Videos

Alger, Wanda - Alger Video - She describes a dream that someone had for which she provides the interpretation that Trump will be declared President of the United States just prior to Inauguration Day.

Bullock, Robin - Bullock Video - He suggested that there will be a surprise by Christmas when God makes Trump president.

Christmas, Kent - Christmas Video (hinted in the context of a variety of statements) and Christmas Video 2 (very specific) - He says that God said that the prophets have spoken in His name; and “believers” will not call them liars; you will get a gift at Christmas though it looks impossible and that we will never forget; it will come not by the law or courts but by the Holy Spirit; I God will not yield to powers lower than me; then I will raise up a church with power and boldness; I will show up and the anointing of Elijah will be released in the earth now that the enemy has appeared; they have built a gallows for the church, and it will be used against them.  I’m entering into Islamic nations, and into communist nations, including China.

Cooke, Tracy - Cooke Video 1 and Cooke Video 2 - Cooke says that 7 angels came to him with specific messages; there are assassination attempts planned against the President; God has chosen Donald J. Trump;  there will be a greater glory move of God after.

God Unlimited (Albert Milton) - God Unlimited Video (and Albert Milton) - Milton foretells a victory for Trump by 12/12/2020 and then generally that Donald J. Trump will be re-elected to a second term.

Harding, Luke - Harding Video - Harding experiences a vision of him anointing Trump - considered it to be like the anointing of Jehu to destroy the house of Ahab - but he doesn’t say it’s prophetic; he just wants to keep hope alive.

Hemans, John (Open Heaven Church) -  Hemans Video - Donald Trump will be re-elected as President of the United States, and laws will be enacted that will enable the spread of the Gospel.  The media will be exposed as corrupt.

Johnson, Jeremiah - Johnson Video - Johnson had a prophetic dream that Trump will be president; he will publicly repent if Joe Biden is sworn into office.

Kunneman, Hank - Kunneman Video - Kunneman prophesies that God will smack down many evil things; God will shake the political parties and the corruption; and we will enter into a new era; the Democratic Party will split and struggle for leadership for years; a righteous group shall arise.  I don't recall that he specifically declares Trump to be voted a second term; however, there are strong implications of such in this prophecy.

Lilyband Psalmist Rhonda - Lilyband Video - Presenter has a prophetic dream that Trump won a 2nd term.

Myles, Francis - Myles Video - He foretells that white liberals will provide a surprise by voting for Donald J. Trump; they will be like the eunuchs who threw Jezebel out of the window.  African Americans will also vote for Donald J. Trump.  I don't recall a specific statement being made by God in this prophecy; however, there are clear implications of such.

Reed, Chris - Reed Video - Reed relates that on August 2020, he had a vision about all states looking at Philadelphia - Jesus in a vision told him to watch Philadelphia - the idea is that the change to make Trump elected as President will occur in Philadelphia.

Robertson, Pat - Robertson Video - Robertson prophesies that unprecedented civil disobedience following Trump’s swearing in; 2 assassination attempts; country torn apart; many Islamic nations attack Israel, but God defends Israel, followed by a time of at least 5 years of great peace and great revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon people; this is followed by the Great Tribulation.

Scroggins, Greg - Scroggins Video - This is actually a 2nd hand account, but a clear statement that Scroggins was told by God that Donald J. Trump would remain as President of the United States; in addition, an enormous scandal will be uncovered.

Selvaraj, Sadhu Sundar - Selvaraj Video - Selvaraj saw a heavenly vision of a gathering in heaven; judgment is coming on the United States if they choose the wrong president; fire in the Midwest and a flood in the East is determined if Biden is elected.  Trump should be president in order to fulfill God’s objectives for the nation.  Three angels are standing with Trump who will triumph, but Selvaraj doesn’t know if triumph means that he will win the election.  Trump will fulfill God’s will for the US and Israel, but the church has to pray.  So the prophecy is conditioned and cautious, so it may not be a prophecy at all.

Weisberg, Rabbi Isser Z - Weisberg Video - One of many videos in which he expresses his firm belief that Donald J. Trump will be re-elected as President of the United States.  He indicates his position that God has used President Trump to advance the interests of Israel, and God will continue to use him. Also, he references prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah on or prior to the year 2027 (and probably in 2025), and he believes that President Trump will be critical to the progress of Israel towards that date.

Yoon, Chris - Yoon Video - Yoon presents strong statements regarding his understanding of what God is saying to him--that Trump will be re-elected.

Zadai, Kevin - Zadai Video - Zadai prophesies that after Trump’s reelection, greater power given to the Church; the legislative and judicial branches of the government will be cleansed.  Zadai indicates that people are urged to pray.

There are many other prophets or persons who cautiously step around the concept of Donald J. Trump's re-election without actually committing to it, but as you can see, many of these above souls have substantially put a stake in the ground--some actually saying "Thus says the LORD," and others going to a far lesser standard of indicating that they had a dream, and they really believe that God is telling them that their dream indicates that God is appointing Donald J. Trump to be elected President for a second term.

Now, several weeks post inauguration, we know that the prophecies were false.  We can only guess why several of these persons, who were very strongly advocating that they had a message from God, said the things that they said, but they were unequivocally wrong.  Paul writes in I Timothy 4 that "the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits."  Were they listening to deceitful spirits?  Not sure.  But it's fair to say that they hurt the church and the message of Jesus with their false statements.  No doubt many listening to them and trusting them are now substantially dismayed by the results of the election, and no doubt many of the listeners will, as a consequence of having trusted a false prophecy, fall away from the faith.  Jesus also stated that in the last days, "many will fall away." (Matthew 24:10a.)  So perhaps false prophecies like this are expected to happen.  I note a few principles from the Bible, below, that apply to false prophets and false prophecies.

Verses and Principles Applicable to False Prophets and Prophecies

I note the following verses and principles for consideration when thinking about the veracity of the above prophecies:

A. False Prophets

1. Believers are encouraged to test spirits and not merely to accept them simply because a person says, “God told me ….”

    • 1 John 4:1 - “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
    • Matthew 7:15 - “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

2. The test for spirits is to see whether they confess that Jesus is from God.

    • 1 John 4:2-3 - “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now it is already in the world.”
    • [This standard parallels the Old Testament standard in that it examines whether the intent is to lead people away from God:] Deuteronomy 13:1-5 - “If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has taught rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery, to make you leave the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.”

3. A truly false prophet, who guides people away from Jesus, will be condemned.

    • 2 Peter 2:1-3 - “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep."

4. The presence of false prophets is a sign of the end times.

    • Matthew 24:24 - “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”

5. False prophets harm the church.

    • 2 Peter 2:2 - “Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned.”

B. False Prophecies

1. Prophets may be speaking presumptuously for themselves and not for God, or possibly even lying, so we should listen cautiously.

    • Jeremiah 23:21 - “I did not send the prophets, yet they ran; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied.”
    • Ezekiel 13:5-6 - "They see deceit and lying divination, those who are saying, ‘The Lord declares,’ when the Lord has not sent them; yet they wait for the fulfillment of their word! Did you not see a false vision and tell a lying divination when you said, ‘The Lord declares,’ but it is not I who have spoken?”

2. Believers can test the truth of prophecies of prophets by determining whether they come true or not.

    • Deuteronomy 18:22 - “When the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and the thing does not happen or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you are not to be afraid of him.”
    • 1 Corinthians 14:29 - "Have two or three prophets speak, and have the others pass judgment."
C. Prophesying in General

1. Prophesying is encouraged in the Church.

    • 1 Corinthians 14:39 -"Therefore, my brothers and sisters, earnestly desire to prophesy ...."
2. Prophecy is for believers and not unbelievers.
    • I Corinthians 14:22b - "... prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for those who believe." 


A. With regard to the above prophecies about President Trump and a second term, we can see that they have not come true, and we can accordingly conclude that these persons have either lied or spoken presumptuously.

B. None of the above noted persons has suggested anything remotely close to encouraging believers to pursue or worship anyone other than Jesus Christ and God, so they do not in these videos appear to be false prophets who have as their source an evil spirit; in the worst case, they are persons who have spoken presumptuously, and their prophecies can be judged.  If it is determined that these persons have spoken presumptuously, they should acknowledge their incorrect prophecies, and anything they say in the future should perhaps be suspect.

C. Believers should not prophesy presumptuously, because it could cause damage to the way of truth, the church and our awesome God.

Special Note: In watching 3 different videos of Tracy Cooke, who informs us that he saw 7 angels with messages for him, I noticed that he offers to pray for spontaneous healing of various persons in each broadcast, and each time he mentions the name of a random woman who has a tumor, and she is about to get a report that the tumor is gone from “Dr. Johnson.”  Either the name Johnson is uniquely rewarded with the ability to witness amazing miracles, or we should be suspicious that something is seriously amiss with this man, and his statements warrant close scrutiny.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Graphic Presentation of a Prophecy Timeline (Plus Some Interesting Prophecy Notes)

I have provided below a graphic presentation of a timeline of prophetic events that you might find helpful and interesting. It's something of a mostly completed puzzle; as you read various passages of Scripture, you can begin to see how many of them are pieces that can fit into various timeframes identified within the presentation.  Of course, it's possible that I have misplaced one or more pieces of the puzzle, but that is the essence of the study of prophecy.  We, like the Magi who sought announcements of Christ in the heavenly bodies and in Scripture, seek to understand and occasionally find epiphanies when things fit together.

Special Note Regarding End Times Events

I should note that I have made a table of Signs of the End Times, which is available here: Absher Note Regarding Signs of the End Times.  You might find these notes helpful to understanding the many various indicators of End Times events.  The list is not necessarily exhaustive, but it is fairly comprehensive.

Special Note Regarding David's Tabernacle

I wanted to make a special note here about David's Tabernacle.  For some reason, I have missed this interesting consideration in my study of prophecy, but I am immensely captivated by it now.  The following matters brought it to my attention: (a) I stumbled on a post regarding an archeological discovery (see David's Tabernacle Possibly Found) wherein the archeologist expressed his view that a recent archeological site in the City of David might possibly be the site of David's Tabernacle; and (b) then I found a Jonathan Cahn video about the mystery of David's Tabernacle (see Cahn Re Mystery of David's Tabernacle).  However, I was more interested in Jonathan Cahn's cited Scripture than I was his point (and of course his point was excellent, but I believe his video preceded the recent archeological discovery, which explains why he didn't comment on it).  In the Scripture, Acts 15, the Council at Jerusalem (consisting of the gathering of the most amazing collection of believers, including Paul and Barnabas and the Apostles) was meeting, and James, who was the head of the Council, cited an Old Testament prophecy to substantiate the fact that Gentiles were being brought into the church as believers in Jesus.  Here is the passage that James cited from Amos 9:11-12:

'After these things I will return,
And I will rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David,
And I will rebuild its ruins,
And I will restore it,
So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,
And all the Gentiles who are called by My name,’
Says the Lord, who makes these things known from long ago.

This is an amazing prophecy that, for some reason I have missed.  Jesus declares that when He returns to the earth as Messiah, He will rebuild the tabernacle of David. The prophet Isaiah also prophesies that the Messiah will sit on His throne in this tabernacle.  (See Isaiah 16:5) When you consider this prophecy in light of the fact that some Jewish archeologists believe that they have found the tabernacle of David, you should be amazed. The possible discovery of the tabernacle of David suggests that the return of Jesus as the Messiah is imminent.  Keep in mind that the discovery of the tabernacle of David isn't required for the return of the Messiah, but its discovery is certainly a substantial precursor--one that both Christians and Orthodox Jews would find massively interesting.

The background of the tabernacle of David is interesting as well.  The first act of David, after he was finally recognized as king of Israel, was to get closer to the ark of the covenant.  David likely recognized the power of the ark of the covenant, and he accordingly wanted it to be closer to him.  In 2 Samuel 6, we read that David acted to move the ark of the covenant from the house of Abinadab (located in a city called Kiriath-Jearim, which was near Jerusalem, which is where the ark was placed after it had been recovered from the Philistines, who had captured it during a battle against Israel--1 Samuel 7:1-2) to the City of David in Jerusalem.  In verse 17, we see that the ark was set "in its place inside the tent which David had pitched for it."  In 1 Chronicles 13:13 and 15:1, we conclude that the location of the tabernacle of David was in the City of David.  We can see the power of blessing associated with proximity to the ark of the covenant being confirmed to David when he heard that Obed-Edom, who temporarily housed the ark, was blessed during the short time that it was at his home.  (See 2 Samuel 6:12)  The movement of the ark to the City of David was a substantial celebratory event, which brought David great joy.  2 Samuel 6:14-15.  It is noteworthy too that David wore the clothing of a priest as he danced with joy before the ark as it was being transported (1 Chronicles 15:27)--a foreshadowing of the Messiah would would be the priest king.  

One item of significance that I note about the particular site that has been discovered is that it contains what appears to be an Ebenezer stone.  In 1 Samuel 7:12, we see the account of Samuel the prophet selecting a stone and setting it up as a monument of remembrance of the fact that the ark of the covenant had been recovered from the Philistines, and Israel defeated the Philistine army when they attacked Israel after hearing about their recovery of the ark.  Samuel named the stone Ebenezer, saying, "So far the Lord has helped us.” The Bible doesn't say that David also took the Ebenezer stone and placed it in the tabernacle as well, but the significance of that stone was clearly of immense importance to David: (a) David defeated Goliath, who was a giant Philistine warrior, and essentially represented the entire Philistine army, (b) Samuel was the prophet who anointed David to be king of Israel, and (c) David would have appreciated the idea that the stone represented the fact that the Lord had helped them to this point.  In this regard, it is also noteworthy that immediately after Nathan informed David that David could not build a temple for God (but that God would allow David's son Solomon to build the temple), the Bible indicates that "[t]hen King David came in and sat before the Lord, and said, 'Who am I, Lord God, and what is my house that You have brought me this far?'" (1 Chronicles 17:16)  When it says that King David came "in," I believe that David had come into the tabernacle to get closer to God when he prayed.  Moreover, when David said "You have brought me this far," I believe this is an indication that David was actually looking at the Ebenezer stone when he said that--the stone that commemorated the help of the Lord thus far.  I'm sure there are other indications in Scripture as well, but these are significant considerations.

I note that at least one person has indicated a belief that this archeological find is likely to be the tabernacle or temple of Melchizedek, who was the king priest of Salem (now known as Jerusalem) (see Genesis 14:17-20).  However, we are not told in the Bible that Melchizedek had a tabernacle.  It wouldn't surprise me, though, to someday learn that, if Melchizedek build a temple or tabernacle, David's tabernacle happened to be situated in the very same place.

All of these considerations should cause us to pay special attention to the idea that the tabernacle of David may have been discovered.

Special Notes Regarding the Rapture

Interestingly, for a variety of reasons many people question the plausibility of the concept of the rapture--a special gathering of believers prior to the period of the Great Tribulation.  I appreciate the thoughts, and I am sure that many might venture to express their bases for contesting the existence of such an event in response to my presentation.  However, I encourage you to give thought to the following considerations--which argue very much in favor of the event:

1. Different Standards for Salvation. When addressing the end times, Scripture seems to present a standard for salvation (i.e., from eternal condemnation or separation from God along with the attendant forgiveness of sin and inheritance of eternal life with God and constituting a member of the "elect") that is different from the standard that we clearly enjoy now.  We know that right now our Gospel is constituted very simply in the words of Jesus as set forth in John 3:16 that "whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."  The fact that we need only believe in Jesus for our salvation is immensely clear in Scripture, and the number of passages to support it are too numerous to list in this post (but you can see the list here: Blog Entry Regarding Salvation).

However, for those living in the final days before "that day" (i.e., the Second Coming of Christ event), the requirements for salvation seem to shift.  In this regard, note initially that the letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3 offer benefits of salvation only to those who "overcome."  In I John 5:5, we see how we, the believers constituting the church--the elect of today--"overcome": "Who is the one who overcomes the world, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"  In the tribulation time, however, it seems that the Gospel includes the concept of "enduring" as described by Jesus to His disciples in discussing the last days in Matthew 24:13-14: "the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." (See also Mark 13:13 and Matthew 10:22.) In Matthew 24, Jesus is specifically answering his disciples' question regarding what signs indicate "the end of the age" (i.e., the period before Jesus' reign on earth).  Jesus responds indicating that first there are birth pains (vs. 4-8), immediately followed by tribulation and severe persecution of the Church--persecution that is so severe, many believers will be tempted to deny their faith (vs. 9-12); in that unique time, the standard for salvation changes--endurance to the end (i.e., death or surviving to the time of Jesus' kingship without denying Him or accepting the mark of the world government--i.e., "the beast") is required for salvation.  To deny Jesus or to accept "the mark" at that time is to fail to attain salvation.  Interestingly, too, Paul even describes the standard as applying to the elect today (or perhaps he is re-stating the Gospel of the end times) in 2 Timothy 2:12: "If we endure, we will also reign with Him; If we deny Him, He will also deny us."

Such a dramatic shift in the ultimate question of life regarding how a person finds salvation seems to make sense only in the context of a dramatic shift in the identity of those who constitute the elect at that time.  Consider how amazing it is that we in the church today have accepted Jesus by faith alone.  We read or hear Scripture regarding belief in Jesus for salvation, and we accept it on the evidence of very little--"the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).  Conversely, those who do not accept Jesus by faith alone, following the sudden departure of all who constitute the church in a "rapture" event--having been shocked by the event and the presentation of this new massive amount of physical evidence (the death or departure from the earth of millions of Christians) to support facts that they (and we) didn't have before, should not be given the same standard for salvation, because it's no longer a matter of faith alone; it would be based on the new, additional, massive physical evidence of the sudden death or absence of millions of people from the earth--added to the attesting Scripture.  Thus, it would be appropriate for this group of "left behind" people, who can at that time readily recognize that they missed the boat, to have a standard that is unique from us who have accepted Jesus on faith alone; their standard takes a lot less faith, but it is replaced with a new standard of salvation as described by Jesus in Matthew 24--requiring endurance--to the end.

A slow morphing of the standard of salvation from one of faith to one of endurance "to the end" simply does not make sense; otherwise people even today would be wondering if they had to add to their faith the additional requirements of enduring "to the end," because, after all, how could we know if we had yet transitioned to the period of enduring?

Thus, a strong explanation for this massive shift in the standard for salvation could be a cataclysmic event involving the church--a rapture gathering of the group of the elect as it exists at that time.

2. Scriptures Suggesting Different Waves of Arrivals of the Elect into Heaven. In this regard, I note that, while there are likely numerous other passages affirming this concept, certainly Amos 7:1 addresses the concept of "waves" of gatherings; Amos 7 strikes me as prophetic because of its references to "locusts" (a connection to the pre-Armageddon invasion of Israel--Revelation 9:7); it specifically notes the "King's mowing" (the gathering of the Church) followed by the sprouting of the spring crop (that the swarm of locust would then start to devour), which would be harvested later--a parallel remarkably similar to what could be described as the rapture of the Church followed by the persecution of the new church followed by a final gathering of the remaining elect.

3. Believers Destined to Avoid Wrath. In addition, as Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:9, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ."  Paul also explains in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and Romans 5:9 that Jesus rescues us from the wrath to come.  A gathering of the church would certainly rescue believers from the wrath that is presented in the time of tribulation.  Granted, Paul's statements could be another way of saying that believers avoid the final judgment that awaits those who have rejected God, but the use of the word "wrath" instead of the word "judgment" is interesting when you consider that there are bowls of "wrath" (Revelation 16) in the time of the tribulation prior to the Second Coming of Christ.  If God did not destine us for "wrath," then why would believers in Christ face the bowls of God's wrath as described in Revelation 16?  Certainly, if such believers were to experience that wrath, they would have been destined for it.  But if the church as it is constituted today, which secures salvation through belief in Jesus is removed prior to the bowls of wrath, then we would not be destined for it.  If others of the elect, facing the salvation standard of endurance as described in Matthew 24, were obliged to experience with the world the bowls of wrath, then that is their destiny, and it would not offend the statements made by Paul in Thessalonians, because that group of the elect failed earlier to gain salvation through the standard of faith in Jesus Christ.

4. More Than One Gathering. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 speaks about our being gathered with the dead in Christ in the clouds and meeting the Lord in the air, so there clearly is a "gathering" of believers from earth; the question is whether this gathering is different from the gathering that occurs just before Christ comes to set up His kingdom on earth, as described in Revelation 18:4 and Matthew 24:30-31.  The gathering is also discussed in 2 Thessalonians 2 as occurring immediately after the man of lawlessness is revealed.  However, the gathering in Revelation 18:4 is not only after the man of lawlessness is revealed, but it is also after the fall of Babylon and also the Bowls of Wrath described in Revelation 16.  Thus, it appears that there is very likely to be more than 1 gathering.  There is no basis to conclude that God would gather His elect only 1 time, and the Scriptural timeline better supports the concept of more than 1 gathering.  In fact, it makes sense that there would be a separate gathering for each group of the elect as having been saved through their respective salvation standards as described above.

5. Marriage Supper of the Lamb Appears to Precede a Gathering. In this regard, too, it is notable that in Revelation, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-10) actually precedes Christ's return to earth.  If the Marriage Supper of the Lamb occurs before the return of Christ to earth, then who exactly is being gathered at the return of Christ as described in Matthew 24:30-31?  How could it be the church--that just experienced the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?  Surely, they wouldn't leave the Marriage Supper of the Lamb to go back to earth to be gathered from the four winds.  Interestingly though, according to Revelation 20:4, when Christ returns to earth to reign, He is in fact joined in the reigning by people who were martyred during the time of tribulation; perhaps because they missed the gathering, they get this special privilege.

6. Rapture in the Context of the Dichotomy of the Church vs. Israel. It also makes sense in the scheme of the Daniel 9 prophecy of the 70 weeks that the first 69 weeks (or periods of 7 years) were only for the nation of Israel (the Jews) and Jerusalem, and the final 70th week (or period of 7 years) is also only for the nation of Israel (the Jews) and Jerusalem. The interruption of the period from the 69th week to the 70th week could appropriately represent the intervening age of the church (that started at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ--recall that Jesus told believers at that time that He was going to prepare a place and that He would later receive us--the church--unto Himself), where Gentiles (and of course many Jews) are saved by placing their faith in Christ.  It would be appropriate to close this church age prior to the start of the 70th week (or final period of 7 years--the start of which is marked by a very substantial covenant being made with Israel perhaps coupled with the revelation of the antichrist), by removing the church entirely from the equation.  If the church were gathered to Christ in Paradise in preparation for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and to be with Christ, then the final 7 year period could begin--with a renewed focus on the nation of Israel and Jerusalem, and the opportunity for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone during that final 7 year period would no longer be sufficient; during the final 7 year period, the elect--who will be substantially Jews (note the many references to locations around Israel interlaced in the discussion of the tribulation period as described in Revelation--e.g., Matthew 10:23, Matthew 24:15-16)--will have to endure to the end.  In essence, according to Revelation 14:9-11 (and related passages), they have to reject the mark of the beast (the government power at that time, which is controlled by Satan's emissary; the acceptance of the mark of the beast will likely come with a public declaration of the rejection of Jesus Christ as well as the acceptance of the beast and its government as god), which will not only mean that they cannot engage in commerce (i.e. buy food and means of transportation and communication), but it will also mean that they will be put to death--most likely by beheading (Daniel 7:25 and 8:22). 

7. Other Sheep.  This is a small point, but something to consider (and my attempt to reconcile a curious passage of Scripture)--that the people who endure to the end during the period of the tribulation may well be the "other sheep that are not of this fold" as Jesus noted in John 10--i.e., they are not of the "fold" of the church age.  Jesus laid down his life for His sheep, but those who rejected Jesus (and are awakened to this reality when the millions of people constituting the church are removed from the earth) have to give up their own lives as well (or otherwise survive to the end) as a consequence of their lack of faith during the church age.

8. The Mysterious Taking of Some People. A rapture event also syncs with the mysterious taking of some people and not others as Jesus recounts in Matthew 24:40-41: "At that time there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left." (See also Luke 17:35.)  Although, in fairness, this mysterious taking is probably more closely related to the gathering that occurs immediately prior to the Second Coming of Christ, because Jesus in this context is discussing His coming when this taking occurs.

9. Various Scriptures.  See 1 Thes. 4:16-17, Matt. 24:40-42, 1 Cor. 15:51-52, and the hints at Rev. 4:1-2 (John's being taken by the sound of a trumpet and the voice of God saying "come up here" and he is immediately "in the spirit" and present in heaven) (see also Rev. 11:12), and Amos 7:1-2 (2 crops--the first is the "king's crop"--i.e., believers; the second is called the "spring crop" that is taken up during a time of tribulation and locusts--i.e., those who are martyred during the tribulation).

10. Absence of the Church in the Tribulation Events of Revelation. Note that the Church is discussed in Revelation 1-3 and then in Revelation 22 (at the closing of the letter and not as part of the vision), but it is not discussed between these chapters--wherein John details the vision involving the tribulation events.  One explanation is that John's being caught up to heaven in Revelation 4:1 is a picture of the Church leaving before the unfolding of the tribulation scene on earth.

11. No Great Tribulation Warnings in Epistles. Note, too, that there are no warnings to believers about the Great Tribulation in the epistles.  Jesus provides a warning, but His warning is to Jews, because He mentions the Sabbath and He discusses Daniel's prophecy regarding the temple, and He answers a question in the context of the temple--all Jewish matters.  This focus parallels the prophecy of Daniel 9 in that it is directed to the Jews and Jerusalem, and refers to the temple.

With all these considerations in mind, I offer the following graphic presentation as a basis for study, consideration and discussion:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Poem

Moment Spice

A single vine high in the tree

Different from the others--

A moment in time

As a strand that nearly smothers

The limbs--

I see it climb

(The light it dims)

With its many leaves

That smell like spices--

Sweet fragrances that rhyme

With harmonies somewhat tense

Yet incredibly pleasing--

Dripping down like vices

Of ginger and cumin with jasmine tea--

I cannot see how high 

It rises--the green is dense

My heart is won--

Yet yet yet

My breath I fear it’s seizing

Because I get the sense

With a deep and desperate sigh--

Why must it be--

(The die is cast)

Though I twist and reach and run

To keep it--

The moment cannot last.

Mark Absher

April 2018

A Song

Just a Dream

When you walked in and looked at me,

I thought for sure this wasn’t true.

Your siren eyes called to my heart

and pulled my soul inside of you.

I asked myself, “Are you the one,

or am I walkin’ in my dreams?”

This sudden love just feels so surreal,

‘cause nothin’s ever as it seems.

Is it just a dream

or are we really here?

Are we one together, and

will we love forever . . .

As you’re walking near--

things are getting clear,

or is this just a dream.

Then you walked up and looked at me,

and I turned to hold your hand.

I moved the veil aside to kiss your face,

and I could hardly understand--

how the two of us

could find our way into this sacred place.

I never knew love could be so real;

it can’t get better than it seems.

Is it just a dream

or are we really here?

Are we one together, and

will we love forever . . .

As you’re walking near--

things are getting clear,

or is this just a dream.

But when you walked in and looked his way--

I thought for sure this wasn’t true.

Your teasing eyes had lied to me

about my soul inside of you.

I asked myself, “Is he the one,

or is this just a dream?”

How could the love I thought we had

just disappear without a scream?

Is it just a dream?

Aren’t we really here?

Weren’t we one together, and

can’t we love forever . . .

As you’re walking near--

things are getting clear,

or is this just a dream.

But then I woke and realized

that only you and I are here.

I looked at you in your sleep so sweet

and whispered softly in your ear:

It was just a dream;

we are really here.

We are one together;

we will love forever . . .

As we’re lying here

things are very clear--

you are just a dream.

Mark A. Absher

Copyright 2008