Monday, August 2, 2021

21 Facts about the Antichrist (Plus 10 Additional Considerations)

Here are 21 facts regarding the antichrist as provided by Scripture; knowing these facts will help the world to recognize the antichrist when he appears:
  1.  Also called “the beast” - Rev. 17:11
  2. Is a national and/or international leader—like a president or king - Rev. 17:11
  3. Will rule with 7 other leaders (as an 8th king) - Rev. 17:11
  4. He with the 7 other leaders, will lead a 10 nation union - Rev. 17:12
  5. Curiously, he “was” (before around 90 AD, when the Book of Revelation was written), “is not” (at around 90 AD), and will come again - Rev. 17:8 (a parallel to Jesus) [Is he a resurrected Antiochus IV Epiphanes--the Seleucid emperor, ruling over the areas now known as Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Turkey, who referred to himself as "God Manifest," outlawed the reading of the Torah and sacrificed a pig to desecrate the altar in the temple in Israel? (See A resurrected Nimrod--the "mighty hunter," and founder of the first cities of the area now known as Iraq, who tradition suggests built the Tower of Babel to escape another flood from God? (See A resurrected Nero Ceaser--who ordered the destruction of the temple in Israel and tortured Christians? (See] (Revelation 17:11 clarifies that this beast who "was, and is not" is the 8th king)
  6. He is called “the little horn” - Dan. 7:8 (just like “the little horn” in Dan. 8:9 is considered to refer to Antiochus IV Epiphanes)
  7. Will come from “the abyss”—a place that even demons fear - Rev. 17:8, Rev. 11:7, Luke 8:31
  8. Will strike down God’s 2 witnesses - Rev. 11:7
  9. Will be given authority to act for 3.5 years - Rev. 13:5
  10. He speaks arrogantly - Dan. 7:8
  11. Will blaspheme God and those who dwell in heaven - Rev. 13:6, Dan. 7:25
  12. Is given authority over everyone on earth - Rev. 13:7
  13. He will intend to change religious festivals and laws - Dan. 7:25
  14. Will conquer saints - Rev. 13:7, Dan. 7:25
  15. Everyone except the saints will worship him - Rev. 13:8
  16. A mark of the beast is required of everyone in order to buy or sell, and the mark is the name of the beast or his number, which is 666 - Rev. 13:16-18
  17. Is also referred to as “man of lawlessness “ and “son of destruction” - 2 Thes. 2:3
  18. His coming is in accord with the activities of Satan--with deception and wickedness - 2 Thes. 2:9-10
  19. He will sit in the temple and proclaim himself to be God, defiling the temple - 2 Thes. 2:4, Matt. 24:15-16
  20. He will enter into a 7 year covenant and break it after 3.5 years - Dan. 9:27
  21. He will be thrown alive into the Lake of Fire at the arrival of Jesus - Rev. 19:20
Further, if Daniel 11:36-45 relates, as many Bible scholars believe, to the antichrist, the following additional considerations would apply:
  1. He will exalt himself above and boast against all gods, including the God of gods - Dan. 11:36
  2. He will do as he pleases -  Dan. 11:36
  3. He will be successful in what he does until the end of his time - Dan. 11:36
  4. He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or any other god - Dan. 11:37
  5. He will show no regard for the desire of women [some translations: the god desired by women] - Dan. 11:37
  6. He will honor a god of fortresses [possibly a new god that he creates] with gold, silver, precious stones and treasures - Dan. 11:38
  7. He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god - Dan. 11:39
  8. He will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will make them rulers over the many - Dan. 11:39
  9. He will parcel out land for a price - Dan. 11:39
  10. Details of his final battles are described in Dan. 11:40-45.

Updated 11/17/2021